Branding for B2B: The journey for uncomplicated brand management
There’s a lot of talk nowadays about the importance of investing in branding for B2C (Business to Consumer) companies, those that sell directly to individuals.
There’s a lot of talk nowadays about the importance of investing in branding for B2C (Business to Consumer) companies, those that sell directly to individuals.
That the term “branding” is becoming increasingly popular and well-known is no surprise, but do you really know what it is and what purpose it
According to the BrandZ Ranking, Itaú was considered the most valuable brand in Brazil in 2020, and such a diagnosis could only be the result
Differentiate Your Product following 3 steps! Brand personality can be a powerful ally for a business, as it is one of the ways to differentiate
Do you believe that a change in the label of a beer can make it sell 70% faster? According to data from SEBRAE, a simple
The first step to branding Motora has been working with restaurants for over four years. We create brands, menus, facades, and many other items such
You know that design can help you when: your client doesn’t really know what you do, you feel that you don’t convey the professionalism they
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